Sunday, July 12, 2009

Last few days

Ok lets start from thursday, I went to see the fabulous movie Bruno at the early time of 12 (I was not happy with it being so early) with the boys ( me, Hao, Timmy, Alex, Andrew, John and Russel). As you probably read from my last post I was not happy with the movie, though Andrew liked it a lot. The truth comes out.... lol

Then on thursday night was a party at Nick's (see above). It was alright, though the ratio to guys to chicks was far too high and some stoners came and messed up Nick's kitchen and chucked walnuts all over. Everyone (except me and like steve) got semi-drunk (because we ran out of alcohol and/or high of the ganja. Andrew Lee managed to get a $920 fine from the cops when he went to get maccas for himself, for breach of license, speeding and displaying his L plates. lol very unlucky.

Friday, what did I do on friday, =S O yeah went to the driving range with dad. Basically my first time to a driving range. I got a few good shots, a lot of not so good shots and a few shit shots lol.

Saturday, did a little archery, man it felt good to do after so long (2 weeks) lol. Was quite shit at the start though. Went driving for a bit, I should get my restricted soon so I don't have to go in the car with my mum distracted me by screaming about something. Then the boys (Hao, Panda and me) hutted down to Ding's house.

We played some wii (guess who dominated =D) and watched a bit of the 4th Harry Potter so Timmy could have fun looking at Emma Watson. I realised how down up, everyone's eyebrows were in that movie. That movie was actually a poor presentation of what was in the book, but considering the movie took 13 months, and missed out more than half the stuff in the book, maybe it was a good thing.

Then Sunday, urgh I had to get up at 6:55! I protest, over these holidays I've come to the conclusion that I need atleast 9 hours sleep to grow =D. But yea I was not happy, then me and my dad roll up at 8:20 5 min after bow inspection was ment to start (according to coach) to see the street was empty. Then all the alpha's(my minions) turned up too with out coach there. And then guess who turns up like 20 minutes late, saying that we don't start till 9:15 :O . What a waste of an hour of non-sleep. Well the competition was less than average for me, having not really practised for 2 weeks my performance was at times less than satisfactory. =( I left before all the scores were added up so I'm not sure where im placed, probably 4th or 5th =(. Shooting took all day basically (9 to 4) to Im pretty tired.



  1. wahhhh i missed the party :(
    in all its funniness.
    Can't believe i missed the egg and the syrup!!

  2. And u said ure going to need a helmet....
    YOUre one to talk.



  3. What syrup........

    Sarah, i don't get it.
