Saturday, May 16, 2009


Goals..... well I tried to work on my goals today, much to Jenny's surprise.

After an hour of wasting my life at the computer playing Call of Duty 4, i decided to see how somebody would go about walking on a swiss ball, ( I can stand on our swiss ball wiht relative ease). Pluging in into google, i found nothing...... Unbelievable put yea, no one has done it and bragged about it all over the net.
Going onto youtube i found some cool videos of a guy doing a 50 lb dumbell lift while standing on a swiss ball! There was also one of a chip swing while on the ball, quite good even I wouldnt be able to do that.

Having seen how balanced I am, I promptly picked up the skatboard that lies in our garage and just rode..... kick push, kick push coast.... yea I already knew had to skate I just didnt try.... lol so thats one thing almost done, i just have to balance with my man bag on the board and see how I can avoid obstacles on the street ( people, dogsh*t, gravel and sticks) lol.
And for people who dont know what im talking about a swiss ball is what this guy is standing on at the top of the post.


  1. i can't even sit on a swiss ball ==" hayley can testify.

  2. I uploaded a photo of this random guy, just for you =D.

  3. Wait one second..
    I thought those things were called exercise balls where you do what those adds on C4 on windsor pilates does.... That susan woman.. don't you do stretches and the bridge etc on it? isn't it for pilates/yoga purposes.. when did ppl start standing on those things...

  4. yeah those exercise balls are called swiss balls. when ppl like naveen got bored enuf to try standing on them...

  5. I dont know i think they might be able to float and yea people use them for pilates.
