Friday, May 15, 2009

Things to do before next year.

Learn how to:
  1. Walk on a swiss ball
  2. To do a back flip
  3. To do a font flip lol
  4. Tie a tie lol,
  5. Ride a skateboard
  1. My restricted lol
  2. NCEA level 3 E Certificate lol (very unlikely)
MUST understand, speak and be able to read and write a little bit, no more I can't bullsh*t. Im honestly cant take any more of it, nothing brings me down more than being voiceless in my mother tongue x(......................

sigh..... Im sure i've left something out, what do you guys think?

  1. Grow taller
  2. Get my full
  3. Get stronger.
  4. Juggling
  5. Become a better cook
  6. Learn how to play black jack
  7. Learn how to sing and rap
  8. Learn Sinhala sign language
  9. Learn how to complete a rubix cube
  10. Learn first aid.


  1. I have lots of suggestions:

    *Learn how to spell "tongue" (tounge? what the heck is that naveen)
    *Get your FULL (so you can drive others around)
    *Grow taller :D

  2. I think this sounds like a goal setting exercise. General formula: 1. Break your goals down into sub goals, specific goals which are a part of the goals. And maybe 2. put your goals together to see what greater goals you are heading towards, then 1. break those greater goals down to see what other goals are needed. Sort of like zooming in and zooming out, and moving sideways with a microscope to understand where bits lie in relation to whole and to get it in focus.

    Thinking about that last one there: How will you learn sinhala? What time have you set aside to learn sinhala? Why are you learning sinhala? Because it might be useful later on for some purpose? What purpose? To be able to live in Sri Lanka? What for? Can't decide. Breaking down living in Sri Lanka, what year will you aim to live in Sri Lanka? Retire there? Work there? Or just for holidays? Add more detail to original goal of learning sinhalese to include the standard of sinhalese required: high enough to work in Sri Lanka ('though isn't English enough?) or just to understand day-to-day speech, and include a time frame. (End of 1.)

    (Start of 2. and 2. and 1.) Look at how the goal of working in Sri Lanka (if that is a goal) will fit in with your career goal. Zoom out of the career goal into the goal of what you want in life. Lots of things converge on that. All those goals are part of the same goal. Then look how else you can achieve what you want in life and then decide how much effort you're going to spend on learning sinhalese, taking into account the return of spending one extra unit of time on a different subgoal such as learning backflips and tie-tying and skateboarding. Remember to take into account diminishing return - to master Sinhalese takes a lot of effort. For what purpose are you learning it?

    The purpose is the ultimate goal of what you want in life. If you believe in a higher cause then that's the purpose of your life.

    Trying to write an essay on 'Reasons for going on camp and the reasoning behind' for the past few days and nights was great practice for this, because I used this to think about it.

    Today we learnt how to calculate pi. Just by the way. I just feel if I don't mention that along with writing the application essay then my effort today will go to waste.

    Give me credit for referring to Microscopy, Economics, Religion, Philosophy, and pi and integrating it all. They're all the same thing after all. The same whole, subsets of Knowledge. Hol.

    Writing a long answer to this just makes up for the lack of a PNBHS Year 13 mid-year exam. Man our school is awesome. * Burnside * What? *Burnside* What? Burnside whatside? Where's that? Oh, it's in Christchurch? Hear the name Palmerston North Boys' High School and you immediately know how gay it is. <- Whatever way you read this

  3. Ok Jenny I was going to write done become a better speller but lets not get to carried away, we want some more or less realistic goals :P.

    Get my full, is it possible in 12 mnths? Drive other people, you mean people like you lol. Now let me read Andi's comment.....

  4. Umm, I just want to learn Sinhala so I can go there and not feel like a complete outsider, then I supppose my overall goal then Andi is to become a more skilled and more rounded person, you know what im saying?

    Lol pi, having said that all animal behaviour is to do with mathematical formula's isnt it? lol

  5. What about learning a sinhalese musical instrument?

  6. omg andi, whoever you are (you don't know me and i don't know you) you are one bloody smart guy. How the hell did u link all of that together. You're amazing.
    And naveen
    Go for gold.
    Next time im stuck in that rain, YOU're driving me :)

  7. lol, seems like I need to improve my driving skills :S all g :)

  8. What have you(s) heard about Defensive Driving? It's one of the things I was told to do before next year. You could add that and a list of books to finish reading to your things to do before next year, Naveen.

    "How the hell did u link all of that together."

    A book called "How to Remember (Almost) Everything Ever!" says the difference between how a computer and how a brain works is that when thinking about things, one bit of the brain says to all the other bits: "What does this make you think of?" and all the other bits do that, and so on. That briefly answers the how question. People come up with linked ideas because of how the brain works. I guess to improve it you keep asking yourself "Now, what does that make me think of?".

    The book's from the children's general non-fiction section of the library, and it's quite a good book. The oddest bit is where there are images of two faces which are reflections of each other, but one looks happier than the other. Which one it is depends on whether you are right- or left-handed (brained).

    Hey, how do you know that I'm a guy? I bet it's 'cos I'm smart. I bet you're a guy. I bet if you did an internet search you would find "Andi" is a girl's name. I bet that despite your hot profile picture you are in fact, a guy. I heard a story of how one of our students on the school basketball tour, which went through Thailand, found out nearly too late about how effective modern-day surgeons and hormone therapy is. So... ignorance or perfect knowledge is bliss. Buyer beware. This makes me think of ethics approval and my lack of science fair ideas. Like sleeping pattern's correlation with frequency of dodgy thoughts. I guess I should make a note of one of the things to do before next year is create a consistent sleep and study pattern to stick to. Hm.

  9. LOL how the heck did u get from "being a guy" to sleep and study patterns
    And actually guys aren't always the smartest but they tend to brag.. a lot. Got the whole "guy ego" thing going. And yes in fact i am actually "guy" and i am not dissing "my" gender. I am just stating the facts of what the female species tend to call "our" weird and wonderful nature.

  10. i'm so lost reading andi's comment...
    i think his brain just works on a different frequency than mine.

  11. Hah, if it was at the same frequency then there'd be standing waves. Your brain would resonate at that driving frequency, and without enough damping, you'd go mad.

    Well, as a fellow fellow I must agree with your statement that guys are weird. Guys are interested in other species like females and horses, and life would be pretty gay without them. We were looking at a horse skull in chemistry today because of the room changes. There are odd holes there not present in a monkey one. On Wednesday in stats I tried drawing a sombrero-wearing flute player sitting backwards on a donkey but it turned out looking like a horse. Then I drew a camel, but that was too easy. Tomorrow I'll try drawing a female species with a wide-brimmed hat on a zebra which is obviously not a female.

    Odd comment times. Most websites are blocked on our school computers. Do you (guys) get time off if it snows?

  12. LOL your comments are so weird they're hilarious.
    Yaa if it actually snow snows as in not just half sleet then we do get days off. Omg this reminds me of that fateful day back in my old school... It was a semi-private school with ppl from all over Chch, as in including rural areas like Rangiora etc. All the schools in Chch were closed except us, and the teachers wouldn't let us go home because that'd mean they'd need to make up for the day later on in the term. So the roads are closed, the ppl have no way to return home and the school knows all this yet still makes us stay....
    We're sitting in french staring outside at the freezing cold bucketing down...
    Errgghhh horrendous experience.

  13. I only remember three school days which have been shortened due to the weather. One day in February 2004 the teachers were afraid that the bridges were going to be closed (the water nearly covered them, and one bridge ended up being washed away). One day this year the school road races were started early to finish before the rain fell. Another day this year the weather at Mt Ruapehu stayed rainy so camp was cut short by one day. Most of the time on the last day was spent playing rounds of 500, Scum, Mafia, Risk and table tennis. The lodge I was in was the only one with a table tennis table, television (which the teachers watched most of the time so we didn't), and a stereo, which one guy connected his music player to (we aren't actually allowed mp3 players or cellphones at school or camp) and probably, Risk. I took my Biology book on that camp and finished the plant section. I brang a thermos so I could have some warm water to drink. I also took a little green handnet and caught a swimming spider, a few beetles and a grasshopper. I didn't catch any sundews though. Amazingly the weather was sunny in Waiouru, enough to get us more sunburnt for the actitivies there. Apparently the weather's usually good in Waiouru. Which reminds me that due to the weather and busyness lately, damn it, I haven't been fishing at all. Well, the fish are fatter this time of year, so after it stops raining for a few days I might cycle out to the river. It could be a while before there are enough rainless days to clear the water. While I'm cycling through the Esplanade I might try to search for kawakawa berries. So many things to look forward to once the sky clears!

  14. Why did the school act differently to all the other schools? Why do you call it a 'fateful day'? Did something happen other than staring outside at the snow?

  15. Hey, if you leave a bowl of water outside, does it freeze over?

  16. Depends if its below zero or not.

  17. umm other than getting wet, and sleeting, and raining, and hailing, and snowing, and half slipping over, and your jersey smelling like wet wool... wasn't that 'fateful' i dont think

  18. Lol this is becoming like an endless msn conversation. 18 comments half of which are completely off the original topic of Brown Boy's "to-do" list. Add this comment on and you've got 19. haha
    (this is just a state of fact. I'm really bored. As you can see...)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. It's like the ring species thing in biology, the comments near each other mix well but the ones further apart less. If the ones in the middle get deleted then the ones at either end don't make sense. But at the moment you can see how they all link to the original topic.

    Who's starving themselves today? I was thinking of bringing some KFC tonight to tempt everyone else. But some people are doing non-food famines. Kenny mentioned that instead of barley sugar and Just Juice being the only items allowed for the typical 40 hour famine, it should be rice and water. Rice would be nicer than barley sugars and water.

    Did anyone see the 6 o'clock news with the people playing cricket on ice? That isn't the ice-skating rink we went to on camp in Auckland, is it?

    Okay, some reasonable suggestions for the To Do List: cooking, rubik's cube, dishes, learn sinhalese sign language, First Aid, juggling. My Year 11 form teacher got us to practise juggling after each roll call. In addition to taking your mind off things, thus helping you focus, it's a life skill, it's a back-up plan in case shit happens, then you may survive as a busker. The last news I heard of Mr Connigale was that he went off to be a skiing instructor. I'd like to learn the guitar and bamboo flute someday. I guess I'll be able to teach myself. Some of my friends have gotten really great with the guitar. I might be only slightly better than them with the piano. But I couldn't busk with a piano.

    So Naveen, sinhalese musical instrument is a good idea, isn't it? Should be paid more than a standard busker. On that note, learning to sing and rap would also be a useful life skill to have. That and maybe lock-picking and learning to count cards in Blackjack. The stats teacher said Blackjack is the only common gambling game with a positive Expected Value, but only if you count cards, and that counts as cheating. Thus winning at Blackjack is a specialised form of the skill of learning to count, which is also a vital life skill to have. I need to learn it someday. Well, today's not too early. I'm going to bring a pack of cards tonight to the sleepover at church so I can learn Blackjack. Gambling in church, what irony.

  21. LOL if our minister saw us bring cards to church i probably wouldn't see the light tomorrow. We weren't even allowed to bring cards to camp.
    Come on, i mean it's camp!
    And i had to be the one telling everyone they couldn't when i secretly still brought them "just in case" ... :D:D

  22. *cough*.
    We stayed up late watching movies on the projector. The last one before I fell asleep was 'Sweeney Todd', before that was 'Yes Man', before that was 'Chandni Chuk to China', before that was singstar (rock, 80s, High School Musical, and the first one) on a black-and-white tv. My pack of cards stayed untouched. This afternoon, some of us were playing Scum and Cheat with 2 packs of cards put together, from the Bean Cafe and from someone else's pack of cards, while we drank. Cheat was amusing.

    Endless conversations aren't bad, are they, as long as they make sense?

  23. Haha this one is slightly winding down. We need a new topic to keep it up.Turn on your amazing intelligence skills.

    and omg CHEAT. the one trophy i won in neopets (Gold trophy i might add)was from cheat. Endless hours of amusement. I swear that was how i started needing glasses. Oh and along with the whole genetics thing.

  24. I wonder if I practice staring into the distance more I won't need glasses. It seemed to work last year when I stared at distant street signs before the eyesight test which I had to do because I didn't pass the binoculars one for the Restricted.

    Yay Naveen, you've added my suggestions!

  25. Lol neopets, lol i used to play neopets ages ago lol.....

  26. Neopets was like "the craze"
    I had a red zarafa.. it got to level 17 hehe
    i swear my account got raided. last time i went on my 32000 which i earned from laboriously playing games got turned into a deficit. Hmph.

  27. Beacause then I started playing runescape, lmao.
    O I had a blue pheofin? or is it spelt pheophin?
    I can't remember much about my neopets account lol I was so little when I gave up, maybe 9?

  28. I've managed to breed a green Skarmory. Beat that.

  29. omg pheofins were sooo cute!! i still remember them!! my zafara was red... awww i miss her :(
    wats a skarmony again? i am NOT going on neopets.. otherwise i'll get addicted. I swear even though i may be aging in appearance i think my intellectual capacity is degrading.
    I actually MUST watch zac and cody.. it's like my addiction....
    >< help me someone
    and omg runescape. Everyone gave up neopets for runescape. Which is why i never started....
    do any of you play restaurant city on facebook? apparently that's like the next neopets. aka dont start it :D

  30. i had a jubjub! it was red and really cute.
    and then i adopted other jub jubs cuz i liked them... so i had four jubjubs. and then i think jubjubs became really rare?? i dunno.

  31. omg jubjubs had those really cute big eyes didnt they? aww! i remember adopting four pets once.. but i think it was more for money or something. but then you had to pay to put them up in the orphanage thing.. gah
