Friday, May 15, 2009

Thanks guys!!!

A big shout out to every one who got me stuff, on my birthday, wished me one my birthday and who thought about me (good thoughts only >=) ) on my birthday. Though i was feeling kinda sick on the 13th it was a good day ^^.

You guys are never too far from my mind, which one day I will rid myself of so I'll have to find another way to think about you :D.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday!

    Make sure when you dispose of your mind, you take care that any private information it may hold does not fall into the hands of identity thieves. Or they may pirate your identity, and illegal shadow copies of Naveen will exist with different bodies. They'd better not put it into the body of a female, that would be disrespectful. If they stole everything including the body and put it back together then we'd have the original.
